Selected Works

  • Books
    • Australian Gazette 1853
    • Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte
    • Queer Person
    • The Latter-Day Saints Psalmody
  • Flat Art
    • Annie
    • Bonnard
    • Caprichos – Plate 12: Out Hunting for Teeth
    • Coastal Scene – Carl Bloch
    • Roosters at the Old Farm – Carl Bloch
    • Carta General del Estado L.y.s. de Chiapas Levantada
    • Gems of the Flower Garden
    • Panorama of Cape Town
    • Saint Jerome
    • Samson
    • Samon Destroys the Philistines with an Ass’ Jawbone
    • Virgin and Child with the Cat
  • Toning
    • Annales du Musée Guimet
    • British Archaeological Association
    • Documents Inédits sur l’Histoire de France
    • History of the World
    • Travels in Asia